Les Amants de Lesbos, Prosper Castanier, illus. Franz Schmidt (Librairie L. Borel, Paris, 1900)
6″ X 3.25″, 116pp, Hardbound in 1/4 tan leather over marbled boards, marbled end-papers, glassine protective tissue for title page with gold emblem stamped on it. Very good condition.
An imagination of the life and loves of the poet Sappho and her fight against the tyrant of Mytilene.
The French author, poet, novelist and historian Prosper Castanier (1865-19??) was born in Saint-Ambroix (Gard). He was the editor-in-chief of the “Progrès du midi”. He had made a specialty of novels set in antiquity. (Particularly after the success of Aphrodite by Pierre Louès, published in 1896)